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How do workplace hot moms have a good "pregnancy"?

Release time:
2017-01-23 00:01
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  1. Adjust the working environment

  During pregnancy and pregnancy, women in the workplace should try to avoid getting in and out of newly renovated places, especially in the home environment, workplace, etc., because the chemical composition in paints and paints can easily cause fetal malformation and cause miscarriage.


  If the company has air conditioning, be sure to open the window at regular intervals. If you are pregnant, don't take too long to get in touch with your computer. Stand up and move around at regular intervals, with less or no public telephone calls. In addition, the working area of ​​pregnant women must be kept away from copiers and smoking areas.


  2. Pay attention to dress

  Many women in the workplace like to wear tights, because it can reveal their proud body. However, tights are harmful to the female body. It can cause blood circulation in the body to be poor, and eventually symptoms such as back pain and abdominal pain may occur, and endometriosis may also be caused.


  High-heeled shoes can lengthen the height of women and make women more graceful, but long-term wearing high-heeled shoes has the hidden danger of anterior uterus or pelvic ectopic. If the company does not have strict requirements for employees' clothing, women in the workplace may wish to wear flat shoes and comfortable, loose clothing.


  3. Nutritional balance

  Today's working women, in order to lose weight or because the work is too busy, often eat three meals a day is not reasonable. This can lead to malnutrition and anemia. Your own health will be threatened, not to mention providing a healthy hotbed for the little ones!


  If the expectant mother is pregnant under anemia, it will cause malnutrition in the fetus and may also cause miscarriage. Pregnancy women's daily diet should be comprehensive and balanced, avoid high-fat and high-sugar foods, and some irritating foods such as strong tea, espresso, and spicy foods should be eaten less.


  For women with vegetarian habits, it is best to make appropriate dietary adjustments and intake of comprehensive nutrition. After all, some nutrients are not obtained by eating vegetarian food. Therefore, in order to baby's health, we must pay attention to a balanced diet! In addition, women are starting to eat folic acid during pregnancy, don't forget!


  4. Moderate exercise

  Nowadays, the rhythm of work is getting faster and faster. Many women in the workplace sit in front of the computer for many years, sitting for one day. This kind of working condition can easily affect the cervical vertebrae, waist and eyes. Therefore, women in the workplace should stand up and move around every time, take a cup of hot water or go to the bathroom to avoid fatigue of the body and eyes.


  Outside of work, women in the workplace can go to the gym regularly or do some outdoor aerobics. In addition, the unacceptable mothers in the workplace can also choose swimming and yoga. The 2 to 3 breaststroke exercises in one week are beneficial to the repair of the pelvic floor muscles, while yoga can be very effective in improving the blood supply to the pelvis. Scientific exercise can promote the rational deployment of hormones in pregnant women. If you want a healthy baby, you must adhere to the appropriate amount of exercise.


  5. Prevention and treatment of gynecological diseases

  During pregnancy, women should always pay attention to their physical health, especially to pay more attention to the prevention and treatment of gynecological diseases, to clear the obstacles for pregnancy. If gynecological diseases are not treated in time, it will affect women's pregnancy, such as vaginitis, cervical erosion and other gynecological diseases, may cause sperm to be smooth and egg combination.


  6. Try to use less cosmetics

  If the company does not have a mandatory requirement, pregnant women should try to make as little makeup as possible, because the harmful ingredients contained in the cosmetics will gradually break down to various parts of the body as the skin absorbs. Heavy metals such as lead and mercury are difficult to metabolize once they enter the body. . Su Yan is also a kind of beauty. For the sake of your baby's health, pregnant women should use cosmetics as little as possible, because perhaps when you don't know, the baby will come to an end.

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