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Four tips to get rid of pregnancy depression

Release time:
2019-05-17 15:41
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  According to the study, women with depression feel depressed, which lasts for two weeks or more. Other possible signs include the following.


  I. What are the symptoms of depression during pregnancy?

  According to the study, women with depression feel depressed, which lasts for two weeks or more. Other possible signs are:


  1. Laziness: I feel suddenly tired and weak, consciously lazy and incompetent, and even lazy in daily life, simple work or housework.


  2. Stillness: reduced movement, stiff action, dull thinking, memory and attention decline, understanding significantly decreased.


  3. Change: Character is obviously changed, very sensitive, emotional ups and downs are very unstable.


  4. Worry: melancholy and pessimistic, depressed, unconfident and energetic, with a sense of utter despair. Depression, depression, lack of interest in the outside world, and feel a lot of physical discomfort.


  5. Consideration: Think and think, think nonsense, sit and lie restless, or often self-blame, inferiority, or insomnia for weeks or even months.


  2. What should I do if I have depression during pregnancy?

  1. Make yourself as relaxed as possible.

  Give up the idea of trying to get everything done before the baby is born. Taking good care of yourself is the first prerequisite for a healthy and lovely baby. Once the baby is born, you will no longer have so much time to take care of yourself. So when you're pregnant, you should try to read novels, eat delicious breakfast in bed, go for a walk in the woods, and do as many things as possible that will make you feel good.


  2. Communicate more with your partner.

  Mothers-to-be should make sure they have enough time to spend with their spouses and maintain intimate communication. If your body permits, consider going on vacation together and trying to make your relationship closer. In this way, when the child is born, you will have a strong backing, you can rest assured to rely on.


  3. Fight against pressure.

  Don't let your life be full of frustration. Always adjust your mood. Take deep breaths, get enough sleep, do more exercise and pay attention to nutrition. If you still feel anxious from time to time, consider attending yoga classes during pregnancy to help you stay calm.


  4. Express your emotions.

  Tell your loved ones and friends about your fears and worries about the future, and clearly tell them how you feel. When you are pregnant, you need the spiritual support of your loved ones and friends, and only when they understand all your feelings can they give you the comfort you want.


  5. Appropriate arrangement of aerobic exercise

  Every day you can arrange a certain time to go out for a walk, jogging and so on. In the morning, about 7-8 o'clock after the sun comes out, the time after dinner is better. Moderate exercise can adjust the body's metabolic level and drive away depression.

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