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Baby's Visual Guardian Lutein

Release time:
2019-05-16 15:11
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  Eyes are the windows of children's hearts. Every parent wants his or her children to have big bright eyes. In this parenting hall, we will focus on children's visual development, as well as in the visual development process, participate in one of the very important nutrients - lutein.


  Eyes are the most important sensory organs of human beings. In our lifetime, we acquire more than 80% of the knowledge and information through eyes. The golden age of children's visual development is before the age of 1, and 0-6 months is the key period of children's visual development.
  Babies are born with the worst vision in their lifetime (neglecting severe myopia and hyperopia). Every month they grow up, they can see more clearly and gradually become complete until they are one year old. Almost all the pictures he saw at birth were blurred. Within 2 months, only pure and intense light and color can be accepted. For example: black, white, simple lines and graphics. Three months later, the baby began to see the faces of his parents clearly, and six months later, he could see objects within a meter. It is not until the baby is 1 year old that he can see the finished picture and see people and things 2-3 meters away.
  Visual acuity is mainly formed through the macular area of the retina. There is a high concentration of lutein in the macular area. Lutein can not only increase the baby's central vision, but also enhance the baby's visual resolution.
  What is lutein?
First, lutein, also known as carotenoids, is an antioxidant. It has the functions of maintaining visual function, absorbing and filtering blue light, and protecting eyes from light damage. Blue light is one of the main light entering the inner eye to reach the macular area, and it is also the most harmful light to the macular area. High concentration of lutein can alleviate the damage caused by blue light by filtering blue light, thus playing a role in protecting eyesight. Experts say lutein is an ingredient in breast milk, and the human body cannot synthesize it by itself. It must be obtained through diet. The study found that an average of 25 micrograms of lutein per liter of breast milk. Therefore, when not breastfeeding or insufficient breast milk, it is recommended to choose formula milk powder with lutein to ensure that babies get enough lutein.
  What benefits can lutein bring to babies?
Benefit 1: Lutein plays a particularly important role since the birth of a baby. It can effectively absorb and filter 40% of blue light and reduce the amount of blue light reaching the macular area. It can alleviate the damage of blue light to macular retina and protect visual acuity.
  Benefit 2: Lutein has strong antioxidant activity, which can effectively prevent cell damage caused by radiation stimulation in the eyes. Normal eyes usually contain high concentrations of antioxidants, the main component of which is lutein. Therefore, adequate lutein supplementation during the growth of children can help to increase the density of lutein in the eyes, and can greatly reduce the future suffering from myopia, retinal macular degeneration and other diseases.
  Benefits 3:0-3 years old is the key period of the child's brain development, lutein can improve the baby's cognitive ability. Lutein can be absorbed preferentially by brain tissue through blood-brain barrier. It is also the most abundant carotenoid substance in brain tissue, which is of great significance to the early brain nerve development of babies.
  How to obtain lutein?
1) Lutein is a component of breast milk. Breast milk is the best food for babies to get lutein. When breast milk is insufficient, it is suggested to select formula milk powder with lutein added to ensure lutein supplementation.
2) Dark green, yellow, orange vegetables and egg yolk are rich in lutein, among which dark green vegetables such as spinach, cabbage and other high content. Babies can be fed with enough lutein to protect their eyes. If the baby does not eat enough vegetables, you can also choose to add lutein milk powder to supplement.
3) Anutric formula milk powder for infants and young children uses full-scale affinity formula, especially adding lutein, OPO, DHA, nucleotides and other nutritional elements, effectively care for the baby's eyesight, balance the baby's nutrition, solve the child's eye fatigue, keep myopia away from the baby, let the baby win at the starting line.

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